Rick and Morty is an animated series from Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon. It has crazily become popular due to the dark humor it displays with a lot of philosophical reflections. Most likely, unique features are the catchy, memorable catchphrases and the repetitive lines, speaking for the chaotic adventure of its titular characters quite often. So, what are the most used words in Rick and Morty?
In this article, we will be listing the top ten catchphrases that left a real and forever enjoining mark on fans. Let us look at the definitive phrases that have defined both show humor and impact and understand just what exactly makes "Rick and Morty" dialogue truly remarkable.
List of the 10 most famous words in Rick and Morty
1. "Get that Parkour!"
“Get that Parkour!" is a catchphrase showing much of the show's signature mix of ridiculousness and verve. That's famously used in Season 2, Episode 3, entitled "Total Rickall." For this episode alone, parasitic memories of fake family members presented a really unique challenge to the usually frantic and chaotic characters. The phrase is an utterance for rallying during an especially intense moment that perfectly encapsulates the show's fast-paced humor combined with action-packed sequences.
2. "What's up my glip glops!"
Another most-used phrase in Rick and Morty is “WHAT'S UP MY GLIP GLOPS!,” which appears in Season 1, Episode 11, "Ricksy Business."
In this episode, Rick and Morty throw a crazy party while the rest of the family is away. The phrase - "What's up, my glip glops!" is said by Rick to address all his interdimensional friends who also joined the party. It speaks to the show's unique tone, which merges absurdity with casualness in regards to the nuts and chaotic events that happen.
3. “Ooh Wee”
Moving on to one of Rick's most iconic phrases, “Ooh Wee,” has been in many episodes. However, one of the most memorable instances happened in Season 1, Episode 8, entitled "Rixty Minutes."
This episode depicted Rick and Morty taking part in some particularly unique form of television-alternate-dimension cable television-resulting in surreal and very funny situations. This was where the catchphrase was used light-heartedly to continue some on-screen absurdity and hit home with how this show can succeed in turning humor into a plot, including twists utterly from left field.
4. "Get Schwifty"
Let’s take a look at this famous phrase. As one of those great and loud catchphrases hailing from Rick and Morty, it means to cut loose and enjoy the moment with energy and abandon.
This episode - "Get Schwifty" (Season 2, Episode 5) introduces the phrase as part of a musical performance demanded by giant heads that appear in the sky. It's what Rick and Morty come up with in an attempt to amuse the heads and save Earth from destruction. Obviously, the outlandishness of the situation coupled with the catchiness and exaggeration of the phrase truly make this highlight one of the show's most distinctive comedic styles.
5. "Tiny Rick!"
Tiny Rick!" is almost yelled in the episode entitled "Big Trouble in Little Sanchez," the seventh episode of Season 2 of "Rick and Morty." Rick, in this episode, transfers his consciousness into the younger clone of himself, nicknamed "Tiny Rick." This gives him the complete freedom to enjoy his youth once more, with all the genius and craziness that colors his character.
Tiny Rick becomes the figure in the middle of the maelstrom because he has to navigate some of the more significant difficulties associated with being a teenager: high school dynamics and teenage angst. The catchphrase now serves not only for comedic purposes, referring to the youthful form taken on by Rick but also to the general absurdity of the situation. Such a character finding himself between the main protagonists, including Morty and Summer, reveals both the hilarious and deep sense of identity pressure in growing up.
6. "And that's the way the news goes."
This weird, yet so memorable catchphrase by Rick and Morty is from Season 3, Episode 7: "And that's the way the news goes." It means to humorously end a situation or sign off using the idea of delivering news or commentary in a very dramatic, exaggerated manner.
It's a bit over-the-top in delivery and rhythm, adding much to the theme of the episode in regards to commentary on the media and society for humor.
7. "Squanch"
"Squanch" is said by Squanchy, who is one of many friends of Rick. It's a catch-all phrase for anything from excitement to enthusiasm - a versatile catchphrase that means just about anything. It could mean literally nothing other than it's just a funny, bullshit phrase. It's reflective of the show haphazardly making up its own quirky lexicon.
We easily hear this phrase in the episode "Ricksy Business" (Season 1, Episode 11). When Squanchy attends a party with the Smith family, he uses "squanch" a lot in conversations. At Birdperson's wedding ("The Wedding Squanchers" (Season 2, Episode 10)), Squanchy also uses the word to express his excitement and supportiveness.
8. "Wubba lubba dub-dub!"
The catchphrase "Wubba lubba dub-dub!" is probably the most iconic line from the cartoon show "Rick and Morty," spoken by the show's main character, Rick Sanchez. This exuberant exclamation is kind of his battle cry or celebratory shout, which reflects a personality larger than life, as befits Rick, whose penchant for chaos knows no limits.
At first, it sounds very funny and nonsensical-just that weird type of humor the series has built its reputation for. However, this word later carries a much deeper meaning in the unfolding of the series, when it is revealed to mean "I am in great pain; please help me" in the language of the bird people. This plot twist adds weight to Rick's character: some of the things he does are not humorously shallow, as they first appear, but mask real struggles.
9. "In Bird Culture, This Is Considered A D*ck Move."
The line is probably one of the most memorable lines from Birdperson in the entire Rick and Morty series. Birdperson is one of Rick's close friends. He is famous for his deadpan mannerisms and quotes related to his bird-like nature.
The phrase appears in Season 2, Episode 5, and Birdperson calls out the moral outrage of what Morty has done within his culture. The first part of the quote, "in bird culture," is highly adaptable and humorously inserted into a large number of contexts, and this is a great quirky way of commenting on someone's behavior.
10. Anything From The Cromulons
In Season 2, Episode 5, when the Cromulons appear in the sky, Earth demands to "show me what you got" through a song that would please them. Rick and Morty respond to this with the infamous song "Get Schwifty," which aimed to answer the weird challenge from the Cromulons. This phrase, since then, has taken on a life of its own as something fans say in motivation or humorously requesting a show of skill or abilities.
In conclusion, we have gone through to answer the question, "What are the most used words in Rick and Morty?" To fans of this series, the catchphrases are more than just hilarious moments; they are reminders of Rick and Morty's unique blend of sci-fi satire, dark humor, and emotional depth. And for everyone else? Well, as Rick would say, that's the way the news goes.
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